Mobile Search Optimization


Mobile search is one of the most growing markets in recent times .

Mobile search is generating more traffic than desktop search.  Growth in mobile search will continue in coming years.

 Mobile search queries directly focuses on getting results by immediate decision making.

 Most of the mobile search queries focus on finding an address or get directions to a specified location.

Traffic generated to mobile search sites is somewhat less and it may not convert for business also.

    * User Agent Detection

 If the request is coming from desktop, then desktop site would be shown, else mobile site would be shown.

For identifying user agents, many tools are available in the market.

Following things should be considered while developing a mobile site 

 a) As mobile devices may have limited bandwidth for communication somewhat small in size and should load fast. 

b) Use UTF & character encoding

c) Using XHTML basic 1.1 DOCTYPE can help in rendering mobile devices

d) Use short title and heading tags for the site


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