Local Search Optimization.

1.Search engines have sought to increase their advertiser base by moving aggressively into providing       directory information.

Application such as

* Google Maps

* Yahoo! Local

* Bing Maps

Have introduced unsettling technology to local directory information by mashing up maps with

* directory listings,

* reviews/ratings

* satellite images

* 3D modeling-all tied together with keyboard search relevancy.

2. This area of search is still in a lot of changes as evolutionary changes continue to come hard and fast.

3. These innvations have excited users, and the mapping interfaces are growing in popularity as a result.

    According to industry metrics, online users are typically going to multiple sources to locate,                    research, and select local businesses.

* Traditional search engines

* Local search engines

* online Yellow pages

* newspaper websites

* online classfieds

* industry-specific "vertical" directories

* review sites are all sources of information for people trying to find businesses in their area.

4.This fractured nature of online local marketing creates considerable challenges for organizations,

   whether they're small mom and big business across the country.

5. The opportunity for local search id huge. More then any other form of vertical search, local search 

     results have come to dominate their place in web search.

6. The basic SEO factors can come into play and can help to influence your rankings.

     These factors include haveing

  •   good specific text in each page's title.
  •   H1 tags
  •   meta description

  •   page content
  •   IMG ALT attributes
  •   inbound links, and so forth.

But some things are specific to local search such as the following:

  • If your company has multiple locations, it is not necessary to have a standalone website or subdomain for each outlet.
  • Have your
        a) page title 
        b) H1 tags
        c) content include the business name
        d) type of the business
        e) location name.

  • The home page and contact us page should have the main location basic listing information(street address,city,state,zip code,phone number, etc.).


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